Synology NAS After Power Outages: What To Know

A crossed out NAS with the question Will your NAS still work after an outage

Some people barely notice power outages – especially brief brownouts. But if you own a NAS, you should be very wary of them – because even a small power outage could result in big problems, including potentially losing your data. Here’s exactly what you need to know about power outages as a Synology owner, and … Read more

Synology DSM Admin UI Dashboard Is REALLY Slow (9 Fixes)

Synology system health saying the DSM is SLOW not healthy

One of my favorite Synology features is the DSM interface: the admin panel which you can access over the internet, giving you easy access to control your NAS, and also access your files. But sometimes this interface is really slow and laggy, making managing and accessing your Synology NAS almost impossible. Thankfully there are often … Read more