I’m Done… With My Media Workflow Upgrades

I'm Done... With My Media Workflow Upgrades (1)

A few months ago I launched a new series called the ‘Media Workflow Upgrade Series’ (snappy name I know), because the way that I was producing video content was a bit too cumbersome and laggy. After making a BUNCH of upgrades, I have now ‘finished’ the upgrades (or I’m as close to being ‘finished’ as … Read more

NVIDIA Just Screwed ‘GeForce NOW’ Gamers

Thanks, I hate it

NVIDIA’s popular GeForce Now cloud gaming service just emailed all their members with an “Important Update”. Which, as expected, is a BAD thing… why does “Important Update” always equal bad news nowadays?! In this video I discuss exactly what GeForce Now changes are being introduced in January 2025, and why it sucks. If you prefer … Read more