Got A Spare $23k? This BIZON ZX5500 PC Even Supports 4K Minesweeper!

A recent Reddit post showed a PC for sale for… wait for it… $22,500! Can any PC really be worth this much?

Well as it turns out, this isn’t an over-the-top gaming PC. This is a BIZON ZX5500 AI and deep learning workstation and it comes with a 32 core Threadripper Pro CPU, 512GB of RAM and 192GB of VRAM due to its four (yes, 4!) NVIDIA graphics cards.

This is an amazing PC and it’s awesome to see it ‘out in public’ because it’s usually only purchased by Government labs and Universities. This PC is also a bargain because the full build would now cost over $50k. So if you have a spare $22,500 lying around, then maybe buy this machine? If you do, please let us know if it can play Crysis..!

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Hey everyone, if you have a spare $23k then you MIGHT want to buy this awesome computer:

A screenshot showing the second ahnd Bizon ZX5500 for sale for just under 23k
A screenshot showing the second ahnd Bizon ZX5500 for sale for just under 23k

It EVEN supports playing Minesweeper in 4K! Just kidding. Well it DOES support that, of course, but this BIZON ZX5500 PC was recently posted on Reddit and it’s ACTUALLY designed for AI and deep learning work. This BEAST has a 32 core Threadripper CPU, 512 gigs of RAM and FOUR NVIDIA graphics cards that EACH have 48 gigs of VRAM:

The full specs of this amazingly powerful PC build from Bizon
The full specs of this amazingly powerful PC build from Bizon

This machine is amazing and it’s AWESOME to see it “out in the wild” – especially because one of Bizon’s employees (/u/ItIsMeTheGuy) said that this machine is usually only ordered by Universities and Government labs:

ItIsMeTheGuy on Reddit works at Bizon and says this is usually ordered by Government labs
ItIsMeTheGuy on Reddit works at Bizon and says this is usually ordered by Government labs

/u/BoxAhFox worked out that this PC would now cost almost $52K to build brand new:

BoxAhFox on Reddit worked out that this PC costs over 51k brand new
BoxAhFox on Reddit worked out that this PC costs over 51k brand new

So if you have a spare $23k, this is actually a BARGAIN! I found this Reddit post really interesting, but what about you? Have you seen – or used – such a powerful computer before? If so, what was it used for? Please let me know down in the comments, and thanks for watching!

cropped A picture of me Tristan
About Tristan Perry

Tristan has been interested in computer hardware and software since he was 10 years old. He has built loads of computers over the years, along with installing, modifying and writing software (he's a backend software developer 'by trade').

Tristan also has an academic background in technology (in Math and Computer Science), so he enjoys drilling into the deeper aspects of technology.

Tristan is also an avid PC gamer, with FFX and Rocket League being his favorite games.

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